Saturday, October 27, 2018

Its time for the Buffs to move on from Darrin Chiaverini as a Coordinator

The Buffs offense is horribly stagnant, and its lasted for years too long.  I had personally thought Brian Lindgren was the issue but even with his departure the offense continues to underwhelm for the talent that it has.  The offense started hot but over the last four games has hit huge bumps that its struggled to overcome, with today's performance being possibly the worst yet. 

Against Oregon State today the Buffs punted 6 times, twice the average the Beavers force and that's being generous since the rest of their PAC 12 opponents had punted only a combined 6 times.  The offense scored 27 points today on 15 drives.  There has been almost no innovation in play calling, as the same formation is used over and over again for the same play with no wrinkles.  Travon McMillian outside of his big run averaged just 3 yards a carry, largely because Oregon State was able to key in and crash down on run plays over and over again.  Read Option plays were working, but there were only a smattering to help ease the pressure. 

This offense has to get Viska back this week to have a shot, but even then it needs Chiaverini to make some adaptations throughout the game and to bring some creativity back to the offense.

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