Saturday, October 6, 2018

Gloomhaven Journals: The Raiders Camp

Another weekend another shot at a scenario.  This weekend saw us come the closest to losing a mission we had been at.  It came down to the Mindtheif and my Cragheart finishing off the last few enemies with me having one turn more if we failed with a short rest to get it.

Spring, Time of the Flower, Year of the Courtesan
 We decided it was time to make good on our new patronesses promise of pay if we removed some Inox raiders from the nearby woods.  We should have known something was up from this though when she didn't alert the guards to a potential raider camp a few days from the city, but the first job had come through and she seemed earnest enough.  We made our way to the Inox camp without any real issues.  It was near dark, and so we decided after a brief reconnaissance to perform a surprise strike when the sun went down.  The beginning of the battle went smoothly, and we devastated their perimeter guards and any warriors that made their way out of the huts.  We quickly moved to the main lodge, hoping to kill the leadership and cripple this group.  There though we found to our horror women and children.  This was not a Raider camp, but just a small community of Inox in the woods.  Immediately we withdrew, trying to escape without killing any more members, but having to to save our lives.   We hastily made our way back to town and confronted the woman in red.  She tossed us a payment, and said they were raiders, it didn't matter that there were families there.  I cannot fathom what exactly this woman wants, but I dont think I can bring myself to work with her again. 

We were contacted by a member of the city guard as we left her estate, who let us know they were investigating her and that we could be of some help.  We took her card but have not yet decided if we will assist the guard or not.  While I dislike this woman, so far she has not done anything wrong.

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