Monday, May 16, 2016

Imperial Assault: RGC List

One of the games that my group has picked up recently has been Star Wars: Imperial Assault Game by Fantasyflight Games.  Its a Star Wars skinned version of their previously good Dungeon Crawl game Descent.  The skirmish version allows you to build a small squad sized army to fight out a battle defined by some specific objectives. 

This past weekend I broke out my favorite list currently that features a Royal Guard Champion, 2 Elite Stormtrooper squads, 2 Regular Imperial Officers and an Elite Probe Droid (like what Han Solo shoots on Hoth in Empire Strikes Back).  The RGC hits like a truck, and is able to move in and out fire with the help of the Officers using their Order ability to give him extra movements.  The real star this past weekends game though was the Probe Droid.  Previously I had discounted this little unit, mostly because the regular version is so flimsy.  The Elite version though, with its two Yellow attack dice and recover 2 damage surges can prove to be a real thorn int he side for a lot of players trying to kill it. 

This weekend I was able to also use it to good effect with the RGC.  I was playing a friend of mine who was running a rebel trooper list with Leia, Gideon, C3-P0, and some troopers.  After a few turns, the probe droid and the RGC were able to maneuver into point blank range of Leia and the last two troopers of the unit.  The probe was left with just a single health, so I decided to activate self destruct with it.  I rolled two damage onto Leia, the troopers and the RGC.  However, this defeat allowed the RGC to interrupt and move up to attack Leia.  I swung well, and his blank defense die allowed her to die.  Having initiative this next turn allowed me to finish off the trooper group and win the match. 

This next week I'll try to get a more in depth battle report, along with pictures. 

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