Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Imperial Assault: First Tournament List

Our FLGS is finally hosting an Imperial Assault event.  The owner has been talking to a group in a town about 30 minutes north of us that is doing well in terms of turnout, and the few of us here that play are pretty excited about it. The key question now is what to take?  I'm thinking a slight twist on my other lists.  This new one will be a mashup of the others, with a few twists.

Tournament Army (15/15/40)
[6] Agent Blaise
[7] Captain Terro
[5] Dewback Rider
[7] Elite ISB Infiltrator
[9] Elite Stormtrooper
-[1] Cross Training
[2] Imperial Officer
[2] Imperial Officer
[1] Zillo Technique
[3] Grenadier
[2] Call the Vanguard
[2] Comm Disruption
[2] Reinforcements
[1] Data Theft
[2] Size Advantage
[1] Intelligence Leak
[1] Hit and Run
[0] Element of Surprise
[0] Espionage Mastery
[0] Fleet Footed
[0] Planning
[0] Rally
[0] Take Initiative
[0] Urgency

 This list I think is fairly well balanced in terms of staying power and the ability to whittle down incoming hitters. The Dewbacks both can weaken figures who rely on innate anti surge to survive multiple attacks. The ISB agents can get potentially 3 attacks a round on a target, but also have access to deadly. This ability is huge with the number of white die characters running around( not to mention Cross Trained troopers).   Blaise can help as well by being a 3 dice hitter with minimum range of 4, who will likely get a couple of surges and can either get the ISB agents hidden to get extra surges or hide the Dewbacks to make them tougher to kill on approach. Troopers are just standard hitters to help out, and make sure I can comm disrupt Son of Skywalker or other big command cards with their cross training.

My own command cards I;m a little unsure of.  The 0 point cards I think are pretty standard.  Call the Vanguard is a new card I haven't used before, but it allows me to use it on either dewback or Blaise which is solid. I potentially could swap it out for a copy of Collect Intel to know if I need to use Blaise's Interrogate skill or if I can let it slide (or simply discard it with Zillo).  A single copy of Reinforcements I think can still help get a trooper back at a key time.

In the current map rotation, the two Dewbacks might be slightly too large, but Terro is a great area control piece with Flamethrower so the natural clumping that occurs will hurt this figures even more.  Overall though this list is solid in planning for the different missions.  It has 10 figures across 7 activations, which is fairly standard and gives me a little extra ability to keep up with high activation rebel lists.  Lair of the Dianoga I think I can score some points, but this mission is not the best for this list.  This list is meant to wear down opponents, not to deal big spikes of damage.  Both Dewbacks will average just 2 or so damage against it, with troopers doing a little better.  One Man's Trash this list is better suited for, because of the mounted trait for both dewbacks and the ability of the officers to order units carrying the tokens.  On the ISB headquarters, security stations I think is one I can do well with.  The area with two stations helps lead to dewback area control, and has areas for other units to drop out of easily.  The Recon mission is a little more of a mixed bag because of the larger sized units, but with so many figures I will have plenty of options for placing them.  The newest map, Anchorhead Cantina is probably the best for this list.  10 figures means there's a good chance for being able to interact with patrons, and the narrow confines will force units to get past the dewbacks to get to the extraction point. 

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