Saturday, February 18, 2017

Armada Campaign Narrative Round 4

“They’re firing at Halberd again sir; Captain Klon is taking evasive action,” the tactical officer reported.  Tiaan continued to stare ahead at the independent station at Center Point as it sat ahead of him.  His orders had been to capture the station intact, so that the ISB could make use of the large sensor arrays and well known monitoring equipment.  The fight in the Corellian zone had gone red hot and vicious, and the Empire needed every advantage it could get.  The occupants of the station though, did not see things that way.  Tiaan was preparing to use Obedience and Unforgiving as large shields to force the station to fire upon them, while his Gozanti cruisers would be able to land waves of troops at the docking point.  The beach head along with the ISB agents already aboard would quickly overwhelm the casual defenders, and the station would fall with little effort. 

“Sir, detecting several Rebel ships jumping out of hyperspace in front of us!” the tactical officer called out.  Tiaan snapped his attention to the incoming fleet.  The station must have decided to cast their lot with the Rebels, he thought.  Tiann knew that he couldn’t safely lands his troops while also taking fire from several heavily armed rebel ships.  “New course.  Turn us towards the rebel ships.  Launch fighters and prepare to engage the enemy”.  Unforgiving smoothly turned itself to head towards the new threat, with Khopesh coming up along its right flank.  Obedience, Halberd and the Gozantis were slightly out of position, and were still in danger of coming under fire from the station.  “Prepare for Grav. Shift Re-route, target the station and push it away” Tiaan ordered.  He hoped the push would not damage the equipment, but he couldn’t afford to allow it to fire into his ships flanks while they began to engage the Rebels.  As the station began to drift away, a nearby dust field was also pushed, obscuring the approach of his carrier completely.  The tactical display began to light up with the rebel ships, although a pair of shapes that were on the other side of the dust field were displayed as just hostile targets, with no information about them.  That could be troublesome if the rebels decide to stay on the side of that.  But at least if our scanners are having trouble penetrating them, the rebels won’t be able to target us either, Tiaan thought. 

Out of the dust field came the first wave came the first rebel fighters, looking to try to jump on the separated Imperial forces and delay them from getting into a firing position.  However, the Imperial pilots were positioned perfectly to intercept them, and the Rebel losses became staggering early into the battle.  As Halberd began to take more evasive action to avoid more harassing fire from the station, a CR-90 corvette burst from the dust cloud in front of it, and both ships let loose a volley of fire at close range.  That was where Halberd loved to fight though, to be able to bring to bear its impressive salvos of missiles which tore through the Corvette’s thin armor in quick order.  A great success early in the battle drove Tiaan to take a risk and continue to head straight into the teeth of the enemy.  He needed to win a true victory today, and being able to remove a well outfitted rebel task force would be just that.  His fighters continued to score kill after kill against the rebel pilots, and while it appeared that one squadron of Defenders had been nearly wiped out, the large amount of TIE Fighters were overwhelming the ever shrinking number of X-wings in the battlefield. 

In front of Tiaan a Nebulon B and several transports appeared out of the dust cloud, to stand next to the assault frigate and massive Mon Cal cruiser that he could already see clearly.  “Order Khopesh to coordinate fire on those transports” Tiaan called to the comms officer.  He needed to clear his firing lane to get a shot at the Assault frigate.  He had calculated Obedience’s distance, and it would be able to get into missile range of the frigate very soon, and he wanted to bring it down with coordinated fire quickly.  The transports withered under the fire, but it did give the other rebel ships an opening now to fire on the flagship.  “Reinforcing front shields,” came the Chief of Engineering’s update.  “We’re taking some light structural damage, but we have repair teams in place.”  As the Nebulon-B class Frigate began to fire on Unforgiving, fires sprouted up all across its narrow hull as Obedience’s guns were now clear of the dust field that had screened its approach.  The Victory class star destroyer did not slow down either, ramming through the burning frigate and continuing forward towards its next target.  The Nebulon shattered into two halves and continued to burn in space. The charging star destroyer had now captured the attention of the assault frigate, but both remaining rebel ships continued to maintain a steady barrage of fire at Unforgiving.  The damage had begun to pile up, even as the damage control officers worked magic to keep key systems online. 

“Sir, it looks like the Rebels are going to try to jump away, we’re reading their hyper drives are powering up.”  Tiaan needed to not let both ships get away to complete this victory today.  He ordered Khopesh into the direct path of the Assault Frigate, to make sure it could not make the jump.  The tactic worked, as the frigate had to come to a near stand still, opening it up to the guns of all three Imperial ships in range.  It exploded into a ball of fire.  However, in doing so, Khopesh now had come directly into the gun line of the Mon Cal ship, which fired a crippling shot into its hull before jumping away.  Tiaan surveyed the wreckage of rebel ships and fighters ahead of him.  The comms officer said "Sir, getting a transmission from the station.  They’re wanting to discuss terms of allowing Imperial forces aboard.”  Tiaan smiled, today he had already delivered terms once.  He'd relish doing so again.

The station at Centerpoint was now firmly under Imperial control, with all of the previous leadership having found itself a new home aboard some Imperial prison planet.  Tiaan had overseen the refitting of the station, making it more defensible than it had been previously.  The new intelligence that the ISB could pull from the station's equipment would be invaluable going forward.  This was good, because Admiral Motti had been forced to withdraw from his further defense of Corfai. The previously thought to be contained Admiral Sato had slipped past defensive screens at Selonia and had been able to take Corfai in a pitched battle that saw several Raiders defeated but a large blow struck to the rebel pilots. The fight for the Corellian sector was continuing forward in a pitched way, but the Imperial forces were now well positioned to begin digging out the Rebel infestation.

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