Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Armada AA dice: Critical Effect

While discussing the recent dominance of fighters in the basic lay of Armada, the thought of how to improve AA fire from ships presents itself.  The most obvious change would be an errata from FFG changing the effect of the critical symbol to not be a miss, but rather to become a hit.  This would be a pretty substantial change, so lets look at what the odds tell us will happen.

We see a substantial uptick in the chance for damage on the standard blue die.  Double blue dice will almost never not do at least a single damage, and about 2/3 of the time are doing at two damage at all ranges.

Blue Black dice become much more solid, a 20% chance of one shotting a 3 Hull fighter. This would certainly help to make some of the other combat variants of the large ship a bit more viable.

Black Dice become murder dice at this point.  There is a 30% chance of doing 3 or more damage, and 70% of doing 2 or more.  Single blacks look pretty nice as well.

The newly introduced Red Die greatly benefits from the crit effect, going from a 60% chance of whiffing to 60% chance of doing some damage.

Its really the red die that kills this concept from ever happening.  The effect of increasing the damage from AA at this point is a bit too much of a swing I think back towards ships.  However, I could see an upgrade that does it at close range.  Maybe a re-work of PDR to expand change it would make it a usable upgrade instead of relegated to the bin. 

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