Friday, July 14, 2017

The Kamayan Truck: 50 Best Dishes in Wichita

The variety of food here in Wichita is one of the best things about the city.  And that wide range is also part of the burgeoning food truck landscape here as well.  One cuisine that a lot of folks might not find so often is that of the Phillipines.  Luckily, Wichita has a Filipino styled food truck that makes its way around town delivering fantastic dishes.  The dish that I dined on to complete the next is the one that the truck here in town is known for: Porchetta.  We visited the Kamayan truck following one of our YPLS Softball games, which lead to a bit of a long wait.  It was expected, with roughly 200+ people descending upon the brewery where the truck was parked, along with the typical crowd that would gather for a weeknight drink.

The tasty Porchetta.  Sorry its a bit blurry, was taking the picture in the car

While Porchetta is an Italian dish in its origin, the Kamayan Truck takes it for a Filipino spin.  The Pork Belly Roulade is filled with lemongrass, jalapenos garlic and scallions.  The pork belly is deep fried then in the truck, sliced and served to you.  The pork belly gets extra crispy, with the fat getting super well rendered and providing a crackling texture on the top.  The lemon grass gave it a fresh taste and helped to cut through the fattiness, but sadly I think because of the rush my portion got no jalapenos.  It was ok though, because the accompanying sticky rice with its sauce more than made up for the heat.  The rice itself was pretty unremarkable, but the sauce was a glorious sweet concoction, that was infused with a very spicy bite.  It had in it some chilies (Thai Hot I believe), what at first I had mistaken for sweet peppers.  This sauce was not for the feint of heart, but it gave the whole dish a wonderful kick.

I'd definitely try some of the other dishes the Kamayan truck has to offer, and I'll definitely try the Porchetta again with that sticky rice.  But double check to see how swamped they are, because these dishes take some more time to produce correctly. 

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