Sunday, June 16, 2019

Economics of the Undead Book Review

Economics is one of the tougher sciences to get started with studying.  Many of the basics are dry, and the further you go the more complicated it feels.   Many books have tried in the past t help ease the pain, like Freakonomics and The Undercover Economist.  They do a good job, and I;ve found them entertaining.  However, Economics of the Undead: Zombies, Vampires and the Dismal Science! examines many basic economic ideas with an appealing twist.  The Undead have been a lens to examine humans for centuries now. and this collection of essays does a good job introducing a lot of good economics thought in a relatable pop way.  One of the better essays uses the the trope of Vampire Boys and the girls that love them to explain suppland and demand, and hit more advanced topics like discount rate. Another uses Zombie Insurance to look at the risk factors that having insurance can create.  A later essay takes a bit of a tongue cheek approach to voter registration, as how the dead always turn out to vote.  Overall just about every essay was entertaining and gave a good look at some economic ways of thinking.  I would definitely recommend this book for fans of the Undead, as well as anyone looking to get some basic grasps of economic theory.

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