Saturday, July 6, 2019

Movemind: Speculative Short Stories Review

I'm really a big fan of the mind bending genre.  Stories with a twist or another way to look at the world are always intriguing, so when I saw Movemind: Speculative Short Stories while perusing the free section on Amazon, so I jumped right on it.  As it tends to be with most of these self-published books, this was hit and miss.  The highs were really good, with The Patriotic Amnesiac and Second Fear delivering on the twist and futurism fear.  Devilish Tricks might be the best of the bunch, exploring how we're never as smart as we think we are.  Others, like the Legend of the Lost, are light hearted and fun.  However, there were several low points. The Principled Principal felt more like a Hallmark film, while the Lost Chapter was just a dud.  The First and Second Constants were just te author ruminating on feelings and political beliefs, not exactly mind bending or asking people to examine a situation in a new unique way.  If this book is cheap I would pick it up because the highs are quite good, but most of the good stuff is up front. 

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