Thursday, September 10, 2020

Book Review: The Green Rider

 In trying to find a book that fit the ICTReads category for a strong female lead, my wife found a book at the library called The Green Rider by Kristen Britain.  The book follows a young woman Karigan on her journey after being expelled from her university.  She becomes embroiled in a plot that threatens the whole kingdom from an ancient foe, and reluctantly takes up the mantle of the hero.  This is actually my favorite part of this story, because it breaks the typical story these YA Heroine type books, where all the hero wants to do is get into the action.  Karigan also is skilled, but not unrealistically so for her background.  She frequently needs some outside assistance but is able to also use her quick thinking and wit to get herself out of trouble.  The book has some pacing issues, with a few of Karigan's adventures stretching out a bit too much in a few places.  But the book picks up quite well from the middle onwards, Not my favorite series, but I'll probably at least give the rest of the series a glance. 

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