Saturday, September 5, 2020

Going to make it through this year

The other night I was looking for some music to listen to while I was working out.  I came across a song by The Mountain Goats that felt appropriate.

I've been lucky enough to stay healthy and employed, and I've got my wife and daughter who have also stayed healthy.  I've got a lot to be thankful for.  It still has been rough though.  With the cancellation of most sporting events through the summer and starting work from home, my schedules have been all off.  The work from home transition has been rough, largely thanks to far more isolation and the loss of those small daily interactions with other people.  That started the long summer, which had far less work than normal on different sports related projects that I had been planning.

However, as June began I had started to get things ready for the fall, and the return of the NBA.  But 2020 threw another haymaker.  My wife and I lost our second child at 33 weeks into pregnancy, and since then I have barely been able to get my mind onto anything.  It has all felt so meaningless, and so I just didn't do anything to get ready.  With Covid still keeping us at home for the most part it has been extremely hard to get out of this malaise that has kept me grounded for the last three months.  

But I have started to overcome my grief.  And this song I think sums it up, that there have been brief respites from the issues of the day, and there's likely still some bad things ahead.  And even with that though, I'm going to make it through this year.  Because I'm going to fight it out, and make it to the feasting and dancing of next year.

 This starts with getting things on this blog going again.  With all of the oddities produced by Covid, the program probably would have struggled a bit anyways.  So many late departures and players opting out has thrown lots of wrenches in the continuity scores, which do a lot of lfiting in the models I use.  Regardless, I will start producing picks for College and the NFL after a couple of weeks of play.  I will also probably focus a bit more on the Broncos this year, just looking at stats and film from their games to comment on.  There will also be quite a few book reviews over the next several weeks, and probably some content about a new game I started playing, Legends of Runeterra.  

It wont be easy, but I'm going to make it though this year, even if it kills me.

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