Monday, January 30, 2017

Corellian Conflict Campaign Narrative: Round 2

The Moff stared into the vastness of hyperspace.  He watched the fluid blues and whites and blacks of the altered space swirl all around the ship.  The tumultuous space he saw reflected his inner thoughts perfectly.  He had just finished retrieving supplies from Duro and was returning back to Corellia aboard his flag ship Unforgiving at the head of Task Force Zekkog.  His standing in the Empire had taken more of a hit than he had imagined for his last failure in defending Selonia from the rebel incursion.  This, combined with the victory by Admiral Motti had given the Admiral the idea that a show of force was needed in the region, and Motti was the man to lead it.  Tiaan was then left to perform the other tasks that were needed, like running errand boy in the sector.  At least his influence had been able to allow him to outfit his forces to more than the bare bones they had been previously.  Unforgiving had a new targeting scrambler installed, as well as an interesting gravity device.  It was intended to create a large gravity well near asteroids and other space debris and shift their positions.  A work of immense genius, he thought.  He had added better communications support to his Gozanti carriers as well, and had truly outfitted Obedience as true carrier, enhancing the command abilities and expanding its hangar bays.  He also had added some more teeth to the old girl along the center spine, with several more turbolasers.  

Tiaan was woken from his reverie as Unforgiving exited Hyper Space near New Plymto, to retrieve tapes from the Imperial Listening Station there. 

“Sir, we’re hearing nothing from the station.  Scans show a debris field where it had been at,” the sensors officer reported.  “It also looks like we’re getting engine signatures at long range as well, it appears to be a rebel group.  Should we launch a probe to see who it is?”

“Do so.  Quickly.  Signal the rest of the fleet to match speeds and to get into phalanx formation.  Order Obedience to prepare fighters for launch, as well as the Gozantis,” Tiaan commanded.  The only question now, he thought, was it pirates or Rebels that had committed this atrocity?  He’d soon have his answer.

“Getting back probe telemetry sir, it looks like a Rebel task force.  Four ships, a Corellian Corvette, a Nebulon B Escort Frigate, and Assault Frigate and an MC-80 Assault Cruiser.  The Assault Cruiser we got a good look at, it appears to be Home One” the sensor officer reported. 

The Moff reveled for a moment in the chance to redeem himself, until he remembered that all of his ships were laden with cargo and were therefore unable to maneuver as well.  “Fire up the Gravity Shift projector, and move those asteroids into a position to let us get through.  We cannot perform a serious engagement with the important cargo we’re carrying now.”  The Imperial scientist aboard moved quickly to follow orders, and the gravity well began to form near the small orbiting station and asteroids.  It was a marvel, a beautiful ballet of hard steel and cold space rocks.  A corridor formed for his forces to get through.  Just narrowly.  “Tell everyone to stay in formation, and get Khopesh to stay along side us to provide cover.”

Tense moments passed as both fleets began to pass by one another.  Tiaan recalled that Home One had been at the recent battle with Admiral Motti, and he had done severe damage to it.  It did not look so damaged anymore.  Fighters spilled out from Obedience, as the CAG commander ordered them to screen off the Rebel fighters from the capital ships. Both fleets seemed at ease to just trade some long range shots, until a group of TIE fighters and an elite group of Interceptors were able to spot a squadron of Xwings trying to move past some asteroids and attack Khopesh.  They obliterated the enemy, taking trivial losses in return.  However, Khopesh was reporting some structural damage from a  few bombs that had come through the screen.  Just need to keep everyone going, Tiaan thought.  The rebels didn't seem to be spoiling for a fight, but if we can put a little hurt on them all the better.

 The flight controllers on board Obedience also had directed their TIE Defenders to attack the Nebulon frigate that had strayed from the rest of the group.  They inflicted quite a bit of damage, while losing only a few fighters to the accompanying flak fire.  “Order those Defenders to continue there attack runs” Tiaan called out to his comm.'s teams, “we need to make sure the path is clear for us.  And to show these bastards all things come with a price”.  If he could bag a ship as well as get his cargo through, he might be able to get out from under the shadow of failure that had haunted him lately.  As he watched the battle unfold, Khopesh had begun straying slightly off course.  "Khopesh, you are beginning to stray off course.  What is going on?" the tactical officer said into the comm.  "Damage from the earlier attack run, we're attempting to compensate" came the reply from the Captain on the light cruiser.  The fixes never came though, as the assault frigate fired a volley from its massive side guns that brought down the shields.  Following behind it was several squadrons of B-Wing fighters that had been hiding in the asteroid field.  Khopesh was a sitting duck without the fighter screen, that Tiaan cursed himself for ordering attack runs instead of covering his ships.  Obedience's officers quickly rerouted all fighter wings within range back to defend the stricken cruiser.

The swarms of TIE fighters hastily drove to the aid of the endangered cruiser, raining death with them.  A squadron of Defenders broke off their attack run as well, moving into position to defend the vulnerable engines.  The rebel fighter were wiped out, but not before Khopesh was severely damaged. 

There wasn’t time for Unforgiving to use its enhanced shield capabilities to provide cover for the damaged cruiser, before they would have collided.  Jerjerrod knew what he had to do to even give it a chance at escape.  “Order Khopesh to drop cargo and make for escape velocity now!” The cargo spilled out onto the battle field, and  the light cruiser began to move again into a position to jump away from the battle.  It was too late though, as it was rocked by another rain of fire from Home One, who had just moved into firing range.  The Light Cruisers engines faded out and it began to float adrift, dead in space.  Tiaan called out to the other ships to get into a defensive position around Khopesh, to try to salvage what he could from the situation.  His fighters continued to get the best of their counterparts, but the Rebels had begun concentrating on salvaging the dumped cargo from Khopesh.  The crew had been able to get the light cruiser into the hull of Unforgiving, and the Moff ordered his fleet to jump away.  The tumult returned, and he knew this time it likely wouldn't stop.


Another battle, another loss for Tiaan's record.  The only reason it wasn't worse was the Empire had more trouble than they could deal with.  The rebel forces had rebuked Admiral Motti's force in stunning fashion, with his fleet being nearly wiped out before limping away, not having destroyed either of the station's they had attempted to.  In comparison, being able to get away with minimal losses and most of the cargo had been a victory.  It wasn't though, and Governor Tarkin had made sure to let everyone know just how close he was to personally coming to rectify the situation.  All of the Imperial officers at the meeting felt the fear of having the Governor come to the sector.  Tiaan set to work finishing outfitting his forces, knowing the Rebel presence in the sector had grown very strong.  And every battle going forward would be a grisly contest. 

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