Monday, March 27, 2017

Corellian Conflict Campaign Thoughts

So, we were able to conclude our Corellian Conflict Campaign with the Imperials striking forth a solid victory, winning the last four matches to get it after winning just three in the first eight.  It was a tough fought campaign, and was a whole lot of fun.  My group and I are really hoping for another campaign setting in this next year for the game, since it was such a different style of play.  Going to 500 points as well allowed a lot of flexibility in fleet building, and really let the Interdictor shine as a ship.  The home rules we came up with I think all worked well, and I really enjoyed the thematic hyperspace rules.

Our group never really found any issue with timing (besides my third round game with my friend who sat his MC80 Liberty at speed 0 until Turn 4 to avoid engagement).  We still stuck in our typical roughly two and a half hour time frame for casual play.  I honestly think I could see this becoming a much more popular format for tournaments without having to change the length to a great degree.

As to actual game play, things were a little mixed.  Diplomats were basically useless in our four person game (2v2).  It helped to keep a few of the high cost  systems out of hand but it didn't make a huge difference. Skilled spacers as well was just a little disappointing because of its lack of use. However the spy net was awesome. My campaign partner used it to great affect when he defended Corellia by baiting some really bad deployment from his opponent and then shifting out of it. I cannot say how great spy nets are. The repair yards likely helped keep the least experienced member of our campaign in it, because he lost several ships every game. They are probably the most important areas to control.

We did find the base assault missions to be brutal. Fighter wing is a huge boost especially to rebel bomber fleets, as grabbing either 3 A wings and a Z95 go help fight in or 3 more Xwing squads to do some extra bombing work as well almost turned the game against me when I was attacking Sabehering. Planetary Ion Cannons was beastly. The regular objective is tough, but with Intel in the base defense version you can routinely get a four blue dice attack almost every turn.

The only thing we found that really didn't work though was the money system scaling.  With three players per side, the money seems like it would be a little tight each turn.  With just two though, after a couple of conservative rounds I had my fleet to 500 points and was starting to rake in extras.   It just didn't ave the tense feeling I was reading about in some other people's games. 

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