Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Keyforge Deck Analyis: Keekhling, the Crony of the Depths

Finally getting a chance after the holidays to get back into a normal gaming schedule.Which has meant lately quite a bit more Keyforge.  I've still been laying a lot of The Terror that Purifies Togetherness, and it still continues to perform wonderfully.  But, I've added a few other decks, and this is one of them.

Keekhling, the Crony of the Depths
This is a creature heavy deck, featuring 20 creature cards, 11 actions, 3 artifacts and 2 upgrades.  This deck has a similar synergy between the Mars and Sanctum houses with Commander Remiel and Ulyq Megamouth helping to use creatures form other houses.  You could chain them together to be able to get 4 Aember on a turn when all four are out.  Mantle of the Zealot also lets you do some house cheating, getting a chance to trigger Stampede on an untamed turn to really fire things off. There is also a little ability to archive some cars with Mars, to try to help set up some bigger plays or protect a wounded creature to return later with Zyzzix the Many and Vezyma Thinkdrone.  

Overall though this deck does not play very well. The large number of creatures is a bit of an illusion since 15 of them have power 3 or less with little or no armor. It makes it very susceptible to board wipe effects. It also lacks any wipe effects of its own, besides  Qyxxlyx Plague Master which is limited to humans. It also hits a large chunk of your own creatures and kills most outright. Ammonia Clouds is similar that you'll end up removing most of your own pieces. It also lacks any real aember control for your opponent. No steals outside of stampede and only a couple captures. 

I have yet to win a game with this deck. It might work well against a deck that features less board presence so it's small creatures can't just get bullied or wiped.  There's a little ability to jump Aember from Untamed, but its just too little I think for this deck to be consistently a winner. 

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