Tuesday, December 19, 2017

New Armada FAQ thoughts

FFG surprised the Armada crowd yesterday with a quick release of a new FAQ PDF with some new goodies for us.  I'll break it down into major and minor updates.

Major Updates

  • Raddus Bomb: In a nice preemptive move, FFG cleared up the questions surrounding the upcoming General Raddus and Profundity upgrades.  The gist of the Raddus bomb had been if you could deploy all your ships into Hyperspace Assault and then pop them all in using the new upgrades to really surprise an enemy and limit your losses significantly.  The answer is no, you must have at least a ship on the table.  Things can still work though if you have just a single GR75 hanging around and then pop everyone else out.
  • Thrawn Preemption: Another preemptive update for Wave 7, FFG rules that you won't be able to use Thrawn's dial plus a matching dial from your command stack.  So no 10 squad activation from an Expanded Hangar Bay Quasar.
  • Commanders Work if not Deployed: This had been a question before, and FFG has cleared it up.  Commanders and upgrades work outside the game, as long as they aren't missing their timing window.  So an Interdictor with Grav Well Projector wouldn't work in hyperspace since its missing its window.
  • Sloane Defense Token Clarification: There had been some question as to whether or not Sloane still allowed a player to spend the defense token she targets with the accuracy result.  The answer is no, you cannot. 

Minor Updates

  • Targeting Beacons Nerf: I have only played this objective once, and I'm unlikely to ever play it again now.  The ruling made it so you could only resolve one token on an attack, making it not even worthwhile to stack the tokens nearby to get multiple re-rolls.
  • Armed Station: The Armed Station cannot obstruct itself, so it can actually shoot ships and fighters that are overlapping it.
  • Leia Tokens: In a not surprise move FFG also reiterated that you cannot spend a physical token in addition to using Leia's token while resolving a command.
  • Jendon Attacks: In what isn't a surprise, FFG ruled the extra attack a fighter can get from Col. Jendon does not receive any boosts from Flight Controllers or future upgrades.  
  • Admiral Screed: In what could become a major rule change with the right upgrades, Screed was ruled to be able to use his ability during any activation.  Currently the only case of this would be if you used Quad Laser Turrets.  But it does open up the space for a potential Overwatch type effect.
  • RLB and token: Rapid Launch bays can only set up as many squads as you can activate, so using a token lets you do 1, not your whole squad value
  • Luke Skywalker: Someone must have tried some dumb shenanigans, since this ruling really wasn't needed.  If a crit effect like Shield Failure occurs, Luke's ability in RAW could mean you wouldn't take any damage.   
  • Flechette Torpedos: This question stemmed from a dumb argument months ago.  Flechette Torpedos toggle you activation status, but they do not just end your activation (another Quad Laser Turrets issue). 
  • CC Commaders: Geneal Dodonna received a slight nerf to his ability in the all out offensive, where you need to pick one opponent to use his ability against. Admiral Konstatine got a slight boost though in that both players can use his ability.  
This was a good FAQ I think.  Its a good sign FFG was out front on several upcoming wave questions, and that they cleared a backlog of questions. 

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