Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Legion Battle Report: Krennic vs Leia and Jyn

This past weekend finally got a chance to break out our Legion stuff again. We decided to play with all the new stuff we have gotten since our last matchup (maybe in January?) which meant running Jyn and pathfinders for my Rebel opponent, while I took Krennic and a set of Death Troopers into the field.  Mine was a super mish-mashed list with just about all the one off units I own.

Director Orson Krennic 90
Improvised Orders, Esteemed Leader
Snowtroopers 48
Flametrooper, Snowtrooper, Fragmentation Grenades,
Stormtroopers 44
DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Fragmentation Grenades,
Stormtroopers 44
DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper,
Stormtroopers 44
DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper,
Stormtroopers 44
DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper,
Imperial Royal Guards 75
Electrostaff Guard, Tenacity,
Scout Troopers (Strike Team) 16
DLT-19x Sniper, Hunter, Grappling Hooks,
Imperial Death Troopers 76
DLT-19D Trooper, Overwatch, E-11D Focused Fire Config, Fragmentation Grenades, 

It certainly is not the best list but it provides plenty of activations, some area control and some very hard hitting ranged units.  My opponents list was Jyn and Leia, with three groups of Z6 rebel troopers, a sniper team, the FD turret and two units of pathfinders.

Sadly, my camera decided to eat my photos of the game, but I'll give the text recap here.

Our scenario ended up as Repair the Vaporators, Long March and Clear Conditions. Long March ended up being a real pain point for me because of how the board was set.  When we had set the board up we really set it for the long sides being deployment areas.  This meant a nice big building of blocking terrain In the middle and plenty of it to provide cover to advance In the short direction.  In essence my side for Long March ended up having much less cover going forward. 

Deployment saw me drop just about everyone on a small hill behind the building to give as much line of sight blocking as possible and give the light cover the hill would provide.  My snipers were deployed semi on a hill further from me to give some extra line of sight but also hide them from his Snipers. I place one Vaporator in the middle of the board, behind the building and the other range 2 away and a bit in the open closer to myself. My opponent dropped his on a rock formation and behind a tree in the opposite side. He deployed Leia and a trooper squad near the far Vaporator. Two more Z6 squads were deployed in the middle and the Snipers and FD turret were near the edge closest to me, with the Snipers on a high rock formation. His pathfinders and Jyn both dropped in just on the other side of the building. 

Turn 1 saw him play Coordinated Bombardment and I played Voracious Ambition. I want to try and make sure I could let my own snipers take a shot before potentially getting wiped out right away. I was able to get a shot on and kill a pair of troopers near Leia. Bombardment killed a stormtrooper, the spotter from the Snipers and missed it's last shot. The rest of the turn saw everyone slowly moving forward but I was still trying to keep sniper fire to a minimum and keep the pathfinders from wiping out an activation. Turn 2 he played Rebellious while I just played a generic command 3 card. We cautiously moved around each other as I moved up to the middle Vaporator and he shuffled a pathfinder unit out into the open on the side away from me.  This is what ended up changing the game, as at the start of turn 3 i was able to blast that Pathfinder group out of existence with a bit of luck.  He had full Danger Sense dice from the previous round me getting a small shot off, and Duck and Cover.  But a Stormtrooper unit blew them away with a great Aimed roll causing 6 hits, and my opponent whiffing on all 10 defense dice.  The game wasn't over, since I still needed to move up to my second vaporator and he had fully damaged both of his.  The looming threat though of those pathfinders being relived though allowed for a bit more of an advance from me. 

Turn 4 gave me that opportunity to get forward, as my opponent turtled up a bit.    It allowed me to get a unit of storm troopers onto the second vaporator, and move my sniper into a spot to kill his sniper's spotter.  Essentially it left those units to be whomever activated first would kill the other one off.  I also was able to refresh my death troopers and nearly wipe out a Z6 squad with the long range weapons, and suppressing them to the point of being stuck.  This was doubly important since that squad was the one that could easily reach the Stormtroopers at the Vaporator.   He had countered though by knocking off almost all of the Snowtrooper unit and rendering them useless for anything besides hiding behind the building for the rest of the game.  Krennick also took several shots, but most of the damage was passed off with Esteemed Leader and the Royal Guards' Guardian.  Turn 5 I played Annihilation Looms, effectively locking down the board from units being able to reposition.  I killed his Sniper luckily, and then eliminated the last of the one trooper squad to secure killing off the most units.  I lost a ROyal Guard mini to guardian on a Krennick shot later on, but the rest of the turn went without me losing too much, and my opponent conceded after that due to not being able to get into position to kill enough units without losing his own to catch up on points. 

The game overall was a bit of a slog.  The terrain set up really hurt my list from being able to get forward at all, and the IRG was effectively just used as a meat shield for Krennick.  The Death Troopers were exceptional in their role as long range deterrent, and the refresh action wasn't necessarily the worst with Overwatch also there to help make sure standby could go off.  I'll likely play this list again on a different ma, where maybe there's a bit of better cover to get some of the units forward.

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