Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Legion Skirmish Battle Report: Krennick vs Sabine

Got to play my second Legion Skirmish mission this past weekend.  Our group really likes this size of game, just for how quickly it can go and that some units get much more usable.

For this matchup I tossed together a list with my newly painted Shore Troopers and E-Web Blaster

Krennick Skirmish 499/500
Director Orson Krennic (90 + 10 = 100)
--Aggressive Tactics (10)
Shoretroopers (52 + 36 = 88)
--T-21B Trooper (32), Targeting Scopes (4)
DF-90 Mortar Trooper (36 + 5 = 41)
--Comms Relay (5)
Imperial Death Troopers (76 + 30 = 106)
--DT-F16 (22), E-11D Focused Fire Config (8)
Imperial Royal Guards (75 + 29 = 104)
--Electrostaff Guard (25), Tenacity (4)
E-Web Heavy Blaster Team (55 + 5 = 60)
--Linked Targeting Array (5)

I probably should have gone with Linked Targeting Array on the Mortar, but I wanted to make sure I had the option to pass off an order to the Royal Guard or the E-Web if need be easily.

My opponent was running a list with Sabine, 2 Rebel Vets, Vet Guns, and a Sniper team.

Sabine 496/500
Rebel Officer (50 + 5 = 55)
--Strict Orders (5)
Sabine Wren (125 + 39 = 164)
--Tenacity (4), Personal Combat Shield (10), The Darksaber (25)
Rebel Veterans (48 + 12 = 60)
--Rebel Veteran (12)
Rebel Veterans (48 + 38 = 86)
--CM-O93 Trooper (26), Rebel Veteran (12)
Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper (38 + 5 = 43)
--Linked Targeting Array (5)
Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper (38 + 5 = 43)
--Linked Targeting Array (5)
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) (20 + 28 = 48)
--DH-447 Sniper (28)

His list gets Sabine up early for Explosions and then uses the Vets and their guns to take down targets.  Its straightforward and has been very effective

We set up playing Pivotal Positions, Improvised Defenses and Face Off.  The Pivotal Positions were the center Building,  and the two rock formations to my left hand side of the board. Here's what the board looked like on turn 1.

After Setup

I made a little mistake deploying the mortar so far away.  He had Sabine and the Snipers behind the Barricade near the building and essentially mirrored deployments of his Vets and Guns.  My Death troopers are behind a Barricade next to the large stone pillar.  Turn 1 I played Assault, and he played Standing Orders.  I wanted to make sure I could have full control of which units to go with.  I ended up being a bit bold with my Shoretroopers, and moved them up to fire at the Snipers.  They scored well, and I plucked them off the board.  He moved up his Vets and they fired at the Shores killing 1 trooper.  I moved the Royal Guard up behind the building and he moved Sabine on top of the landing pad area.  I again decided to be a bit bold and moved the Death Troopers up to the wooded area to fire at Sabine, hoping to do some damage and get some good suppression in.  I did one damage on the roll which the Shield absorbed, and it left my DTs in a bad spot.  His Rebel Troopers moved up and fired and I lost 2 of them after rolling mostly blanks.

As we went to turn 2 I knew I needed to try to tie up Sabine and so I played Voracious Ambition to his Explosions.  The Royal Guard clambered up at Sabine, taking one wound to turn on Tenacity and charging in.    They did 3 wounds, which was not bad without an aim, but I had been hoping for more.  Sabine then got off explosions, tossing the two bombs between the Shores and Krennick.  The bombs triggered and killed three more shores and put a wound on Krennick.  I pulled the two remain Death troopers back behind Barrier again to get them out of range and out of LOS of the heavy guns.  My opponent took the opportunity to move his troops up, and the turn essentially ended there.

Turn 3 saw this as the board state
Things have gone poorly

The rest of the game essentially saw the Royal Guard fail to do another wound to Sabine, and the E-Web missed killing the Generic Commander on a bad roll before going down.  At that point I conceded, since I had just too little left to push him off the objectives.

Overall ti was a fun, but frustrating game.  I deployed a bit poorly, and rolled pretty poorly as well.  I should like have had the Shores on the other side and had the Death Troopers on the left.  Their armor is a bit better and it would have let me use the Coordinate ability a bit better with the E-Web.  I also should have anticipated Sabine going up on top of the building earlier and prepared for it by having the E-Web better placed.  Sabine is an absolute monster at this point range, and I likely need some better beef to deal with her going forward. 

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