Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Armada Profundity Preview

Fantasy Flight Games gave us a spoiler preview of the Profundity expansion that's coming in wave 7.  It didn't give us all of the details, but it provided some excellent pieces to think about going forward.

The spoiler gave us both versions of the MC-75, the Armored and Ordnance versions.  For 104 and 100 points, we get a ship that has 4-3-3-3 Shields and 9 hull.  That is the best the Rebels currently have to offer, in a package that provides a lot of dice.  The side Arcs have 3 Reds in either version, and either Blue or Black.  The Front Arc is 3 Blue or Black and the rest the other depending on the type.  This is a good set up.  Both ships have a full suite of upgrades, with offensive and defensive slots, as well as weapons teams.  The ordnance version is especially intriguing due to it being the first double ordnance slot ship.  That could mean Rapid Reload and APTs, or the newly spoiled Wide Area Barrage for really punishing ships hanging around your target.  Its also going to possibly be a real killer for Gallant Haven Builds, which rely on keeping the fighter screen close by and having Jan Ors protect the escorts.  The ships maneuverability is on par for a large base ship, so it shouldn't have an trouble at Speed 3 of being able to run down fleeing ships.  The ships true downside does come in the shear number of upgrades it looks to cry out for, as well as the defense token suite.  The tokens match the Interdictor, which means a single accuracy can really lock down your tokens. 

I'm very excited for this ship. I primarily play Imperials, but I've been trying to make a Sato build really work.  This ship will fit right in with Sato I feel, since it can do both long range crits and in close range just chuck a huge number of black dice. Its also going to be very tough with a couple of other Mon Cal ships with the new Mon Cal title

Also spoiled was Jyn Erso, a boarding team that introduces a new mechanic: The Raid Token.  Raid Tokens will stop a ship from being able to execute a command that matches the token, so if you're a carrier you're unlikely to be able to be commanding squadrons any longer.  This also is likely to be the new action that we've seen on images of the Mandalorian fighters that are coming in the Chimera pack.

This is a very exciting wave I think that we're about to get.  Hopefully it comes sooner rather than later.

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